
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Swim Fast!

My swim club hosted the annual Ron Johnson Invitational this weekend. I swam yesterday even though it was barely 60 degrees, cloudy, and windy (yes, we're talking swimming outside). I swear, at certain times there were white caps in the pool. ;) Thank goodness for swim parkas!
I haven't really been training for competition lately, so I only entered a couple of 50's (Breaststroke and Freestyle), but upon arriving at the meet, I learned my coach had other plans for me -- yes, I was swimming in a relay. Not just one, but four, with two of them back-to-back 400 Freestyle relays (women's and mixed)! At first, I protested a little (yes, you could call it whining -- I've earned the right since I'm over 50 years old), but then I accepted my fate and stepped up to the block and swam for the team. I'm glad I did, because I learned I'm in better competition shape than I thought I was. I enjoyed one of my best meets in quite a while. Oh, and before I forget, a big thank you to Shirley for bailing me out in the last relay. You're a peach!
Here's the t-shirt given out at the meet. A good mantra for the coming year. :)
The "Party Relay" crew -- Katy James, Chandler Papas, Hank Hoffman, and yours truly. :)