
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Now That's Just Ducky

The indoor pool was jam-packed when I showed up for my Tuesday morning Masters swim, so our coach decided we would swim outside in the 25-yard pool. Fine by me! I happened to bring along my camera to record our group, as one of our members is moving to Seattle in a week or so. A couple of posts ago, I mentioned that I had some ducks in the pool with me during one of my solo swims -- well, it turns out that they got busy and made a whole bunch of babies -- 12 to be exact! I snapped  a quick pic of mama and some of her brood.
When we first got in the pool, we noticed a brown lump at the end of one of the lanes. It turned out to be the mama duck, who was hiding all 12 of her babies beneath her wings. One of the guys swam up to her and she hissed at him, but decided after we all swam several laps that she had better move her babies. This is when I grabbed my camera. I could not believe how many babies she had with her. Hopefully they'll all make it to adult-hood, but this means we'll have lots and lots of ducks this time next year in our pool. :)