
Monday, April 27, 2009

The Bird Girl from Gilbert

(Cheryl and her young charge just before release)

My oldest daughter, Cheryl, is such a sweet person. She and her husband were leaving his place of work and came across a fledgling that had fallen out of its nest. She was concerned that its mother would abandon it since her husband had touched it, but I assured her that this myth has been debunked. I didn't hear anything from her for the rest of that week and figured they were able to put the baby bird back in its nest.
To my surprise, I learned that she had taken the bird home and had been taking care of it. She bought some baby bird food from the local pet store, a syringe and a small cage. It didn't take long for the little bird to learn to eat from the syringe and within a couple of days would get really excited when my daughter entered the room. Once my daughter opens the cage, she places her finger near the bird and it eagerly hops on and opens its mouth, and starts fluttering its wings and making those cute little baby bird noises.
Now mind, you feeding a young bird is a lot of work. My daughter has been feeding this thing around the clock. She even went so far as to buy some precooked meal worms that she would add to the mix. Talk about dedication.

Well, there's a very happy ending to this story. The bird is old enough to fly now, so yesterday my daughter and her husband took the bird back where they found it and set it free.