
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chiquita and the "Bug"

My birthday falls a few days before Halloween, so I can be assured that my birthday will include creepy crawlies and ghoulish delights. Last year, my oldest daughter and her then fiancé gave me some special Halloween cup cakes, complete with large plastic spiders on top. Well, my little dog, Chiquita, absolutely loves to play with real bugs (i.e., crickets, spiders, etc.). So, as Halloween draws near, I got out the plastic spiders and let her have some fun. I believe she thinks they are real! When I first let her play with them, she scratches at them for a couple of minutes. This is what she does with real bugs. Then, once she is sure they won't be able to bite her ('cause they're dead), she'll pick them up with her mouth and have a ball. See for yourself.